
I haven’t posted in a year, and that is a very long time. But, so much has happened since February of last year. I am in College, SLC to be exact. The place I wanted to go to since I can remember.

A lot has happened. I got accepted for the Veterinary Technician program, but failed first semester. I went home too much and focused on my friends more than I should have. Yes, I can openly admit I screwed up. That is why I had to work my ass off to start back up in January at SLC again, but for the Vet Assistant program. Let me tell you, I love it so much more.

They are so welcoming, kind, and very considerate. They are all willing to talk with everyone and they are just so welcoming. I love this program more and I feel like I am more accepted as a person here.

Let me tell you, it was not easy to get here, and the last year has not been what you would expect. My boyfriend and I had some real trouble with me moving away from home, but we make it work and have gotten much better. He is going to college in September and that is a huge milestone for him but I am very excited for him.

I had a falling out with my family, and we won’t ever be the same. But I guess all of you knew ever since I posted about my Grandfather passing on December 3rd 2014. Yes, it still affects me, but I push myself for him. He wanted to see me succeed and that is what I intend for him, I owe it to him.

If there is one thing you all take from this- life isn’t easy. You’re adults, you get it. But not one person is going through the same thing as another person.

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